
No problem! If you are not satisfied with a product, or the item arrives damaged, it is possible to exchange or return it. The product must meet a number of conditions, depending on the reason for return.

Is the product broken or damaged?

  1. Let us know within 48 hours at with a cover letter and photos of the damage (s).
  2. Return the item within 14 days of the day of receipt with our returnform.
  3. The product must have been purchased from us.
  4. When returning products in the store, always take the receipt or invoice with you and fill in the return form for quick handling.
  5. For returning products via the parcel services, handling costs of € 2,78 ex VAT will be applied.


Nothing wrong with the product, but still looking for something different?

  1. Send or return your product within 14 days of receipt with the return form.
  2. Are you returning the product in the store? Always bring your receipt or invoice with you and fill in the return form for quick handling.
  3. The product must have been purchased from us.
  4. The product must be returned unopened and in the original, undamaged packaging (also free of prices / stickers).
  5. For returning products via the parcel services, handling costs of € 2,78 ex VAT will be applied. In all cases, medicines and discounted items cannot be returned!

Of course it is possible to return products from both the wholesale and the webshop. For more questions about exchange or return, please contact our customer service at or via the contact form below.

Want to know more about the exchange of products or returns?

Contact us via the form below for all your questions about returns

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